Wednesday, August 4, 2010

iPhone 4 TV Ads

Have you seen these ads on TV? They focus on the iPhone's capability of "FaceTime", a form of webchat where you can see the other speaker. And I have an issue with these ads. Why? Read more after the jump.

So, here're the links to the ads that I've seen and could find.

And the longer FaceTime ad:

In every single ad there is a girl being shown off. You barely see the man, he's in the lower left hand corner. The exceptions are, of course, the old man seeing his granddaughter (though she, too, is being shown off) and the long-distance couples - the pregnancy related ones aren't in bad taste, and the one with the sign language is moving, but, as a whole, these ads are all about women being eye candy, playing off of society's dictation that women must always look attractive.

The girls all want to be reassured that they're still looking pretty, even though they: got braces; got a hair cut; can't decide what to wear; etcetera. At the end of each of those segments, the woman is reassured by the person on the other side of the line (mostly male, who's amused at the female's discomfort) that she is still pretty, and she subsequently changes her mind about how she feels. In the only conversation between two women (note that the only conversation between two men is about being a father - apparently, that's the man's only desire in these ads, to procreate) it is presumably for the purpose of the woman looking attractive for a date.

The iPhone4 will help you resolve those nagging "Do I look purty?" thoughts of you vain ladies by allowing you to contact your man-influence at any time to get his approval! What better way to share a moment in your relationship?

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